Yesterday we went to a going-away party for my director at work. Can you believe Jacob had never been to my office? The weather was beautiful- 64 degrees in February!- and I wanted him to look super-cute to meet my coworkers. He wore his blue t-shirt and plaid button-down.
And yes, he wore socks and shoes!
We went to Urbana a little early so we could stop at the mall and have lunch. I knew the party was a cake-and-ice cream kind of event, so I wanted to be sure he was fed before we arrived. We "shared" a turkey sandwich, and he actually ate a little turkey along with some graham crackers.
It was kind of odd being back at the office. I haven't physically been there since December, and a lot has changed. The actual party was nice, and Jacob (thankfully!) was well-behaved. Everyone made a fuss over him, which he loved!
So many ladies, so little time! |
Although I am so glad to be able to work two days a week instead of five, my current situation may only last as long as it takes them to hire someone else, and it's going to be very difficult for me to say goodbye completely. For over ten years (yikes!), I've been in this industry and take absolute ownership in my work and pride in the level of expertise that I bring to the table. It's hard to get the same rush reading
Brown Bear Brown Bear, What Do You See? for the 665th time in one day. The current schedule is about as close to ideal as it gets: I spend a few days each week playing with Mega Blocks and a few days working on contracts, and I know Jacob benefits from the time that he spends with my mom or Brittney. I hope that I can continue in this position, or at least in some capacity within the organization, on a long-term basis.
Speaking of using my brain, I totally killed my blog this morning! I'm trying to add post dividers (cute little designs between each post), and in order to do that, you have to know a little about HTML. Do I know anything about HTML? Uh, no. After following the directions exactly, I couldn't even view the blog anymore! Small panic attack. However, I do know enough to have backed up the template onto my hard drive, so I recopied the section of code that I screwed up, and now we're back in business. Well, except for the fact that I still don't have post dividers. I should have pretty little signature now, though; like it?
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