We went to Key Lime Cove Resort in Gurnee this past weekend. Key Lime Cove is a tropical-themed, indoor waterpark, and it was totally what we needed to get our minds off of our cold Illinois weather!
We arrived around 1 on Saturday afternoon, and quickly changed into our swim suits and headed down to the waterpark. The waterpark area is really amazing with several different pools, a wave pool, a lazy river, and lots of play structures.
Yikes. I didn't really plan on getting that wet-- I thought Frank could do the hands-on supervision, but between all the water and all the people, it took both of us, and I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked.
Jacob had a blast! Fortunately, he likes the water, and doesn't mind getting splashed. When we went on vacation this summer, he wasn't a fan of the lazy river, but this time, he went around a few times with both of us. (It's progress!) We were only at the waterpark a little over an hour before he started announcing that he was, "Done!" It was really crowded, so momma and daddy were ready to be done, too.
We had a little downtime before dinner.
For dinner, we went to one of the restaurants on the property called The Crazy Toucan.
After dinner, we went down to the arcade where Jacob practiced his driving skills. Right now, he doesn't realize that the games would actually do something if we put money in them. He's content just pretending. So he's still a cheap date!
After that, we got some ice cream, which may well have been one of the highlights of Jacob's weekend (any maybe Frank's, too!). Convinced we had sufficiently worn him out, we were back in the room for "quiet time" by 7:30.
The next morning, we managed to squeeze in some additional pool time before checkout.
The funny thing is that I knew he would enjoy some of the big things, like the waterpark and arcade, but I took for granted how much fun little things are when you're two, things like pushing elevator buttons, jumping on the bed, and running down looong hallways.
I would highly recommend Key Lime Cove for a winter getaway. We are talking about getting a group together to go next winter, so let us know if you're interested!

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