Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Stop and Think Moment

You know how sometimes you have those moments that make you stop and think?  Yesterday was one of those moments after hearing about the unexpected death of a former co-worker.  This gentleman had been in charge of Risk Management at the hospital where I used to work; he was an easy-going guy who offered to lend his impressive credentials as one of my professional references when I was job-hunting in 2005.  Although we hadn't done a good job of keeping in touch, I know that he was in the middle of making some major professional and personal changes in his life. 

Maybe it is because he was just starting this new chapter of his life, or maybe it is the fact that his death came the day after his 55th birthday, but it made me think about how quickly life can change. 

"...for you do not know what a day may bring forth."  Psalms 27:1

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