Thursday, March 21, 2013

13 Random Facts

Oh my.  It's been a while.  Lots going on, but none of it too much fun, and I'd rather write about fun and fluffy. So in the spirit of Courtney's post a few weeks ago, I'll jump back into the blog with a "13 Things About Me" post.

How have I never done one of these before?!

1.  I've gotten a little obsessive about keeping my fingernails painted.  This is going to be a problem when the weather gets warmer and I'm finally get to do some gardening.

2.  I think anything is better with cheese.  I'd probably eat the cat if you topped her with some warm, melty cheddar.  Yum.

3.  My hair is my Achilles' Heel... I never think it looks right.

4.  The worst summer job I ever had was during the summer after eighth grade.  I babysit for a second grade boy whom I didn't really like (one of the few kids I've ever not liked), and we spent long, nine-hour days together at their house in the country.  It was just the two of us and their brand-new yellow lab puppy that I had to house-break. Oh, and on the second day of summer, the little boy came down with chicken pox.  I was bored, isolated, and annoyed.  I didn't last the whole summer.

5.  I would love to be able to do home-improvement/home repair projects.

6.  I did refinish my grandma's porch swing once, though.

7.  My favorite color is blue... or red... depending on my mood.

8. I like being with Frank even more than I like being alone, and I really like to be alone.

9.  If I wasn't in healthcare, I would be a florist or gardener.

10.  I've lost the twin boys I was babysitting while taking cover from a tornado.  I tell this story a lot, so if you haven't heard it, ask me.

11.   My favorite book is Anne of Green Gables.

12.  Rodents, especially mice, freak me out.  (It is probably best that I don't pursue that gardening career!)  I'm actually a little scared of the ground squirrels in the backyard.

13.  Every summer I say I'm going to take golf lessons.  One summer, I actually will.

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