1. I am a sucker for anything labeled, "Limited Time." Oreos, that are yellow for a limited time for spring? Must. Have.
2. In 2005, I had a job interview at a physician recruiting firm on the same street at Frank's office. We were less than two blocks apart that morning, but we wouldn't meet for another two years.
3. When I was 15, I was in a car accident with two of my best girlfriends and three of our best guy friends on our way to a Valentine's dance. We jumped a ditch and hit a telephone pole... none of us were wearing seatbelts. Somehow we all managed to walk away with nothing more than scratches and bruises, and from that day on, I have worn my seatbelt religiously, even if I'm doing nothing more than backing the car out of the garage to wash it.
4. I use some of the words my kids say/have said incorrectly as actual vocabulary. For example, instead of shaving, both kids say, "razing." As in, "Daddy is razing his whiskers." (Because what should a razor do? It should raze. Silly English language.) Carter has also flipped the contraction "I'm" with the possessive "my," and he'll say, "My coming with you!" Rather than, "I'm coming with you." That flip miiiight have worked it's way into my vocabulary as well. (Only with family, though!)
5. I don't like Indian food. Truthfully, I haven't tried many dishes, but I'm not a fan of the ones I've tried.
6. If I start a house project, it will have one of two endings. First ending- it will make me realize I need to do a whole bunch of additional projects; or Second ending- I will completely screw it up, and there will be lots of tears and drama until I figure out how to fix it.
7. As a sophomore in college, I was hired as a student worker in the Office of the Chair of the School of Business. I was so proud because it was the first job I felt I'd gotten on my own, and not because my boss knew my dad.
8. I prefer fruit flavored candy over chocolate candy. My favorite candies are, Jolly Ranchers, Starburst, and jellybeans.
9. Every year especially around this time, I dream of going to the Iris show at the Chicago Botanic Garden or to the Tulip Time Festival in Holland, Michigan. One day...
10. Everyone assumes I hate having my picture taken because there are so few pictures of me. The truth is, I don't mind having my picture taken, but I'm usually behind the camera! This weekend, I needed to update my "professional" pic, so here is one of the outtakes!
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