Breakfast during the week is almost always Cream of Wheat. I sometimes make eggs or pancakes for lunch, so I don't feel bad that his breakfast is kind of boring.
After Jacob's breakfast comes Mama's breakfast/computer time. Our friend zones out on Thomas the Train during this time. Parenting at it's finest.
After some playtime, he gets a treat for using the big potty. We're not in potty training, per se, but sometimes he wants to use the potty, and if he does, he gets a treat. M&Ms are his favorite!
Around mid-morning, we meet some friends at the library for playtime and story time. I managed to snap some pictures during playtime, but the twenty-minute toddler storytime was a downhill spiral for us. You'd think he would be able to sit still for twenty minutes. (Sigh) He sat there, but it was only because I strong-armed him to his chair.
Once we came home and had lunch, it was time for a nap. Our naptime ritual is to read books and cuddle in the rocking chair in his room. This picture doesn't do justice to the snuggly-ness of a warm, sleepy toddler under a warm blanket.
The rest of the afternoon we spent playing with cars, trucks, and blocks. Oh, and playing the piano. (You mean that's not how you sit on a piano bench?)
After dinner, Jacob and Daddy like to hang out upstairs in the playroom
and downstairs in the basement before heading back upstairs for bedtime.
There you have it: a normal day in Normal!
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