It's so interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes of campaigns. So many details have to be put into place for each event, each press conference. I'm not terribly political, but there are some people who take this sort of thing very seriously and the excitement and intensity is contagious.
Just before the event, Uncle Rus said that Adam wanted all his family on stage behind him as he gave his speech and asked us if we would stand up with them. (Had I thought for even a minute this would happen, I probably wouldn't have worn jean capris, but I guess it's not all about me, is it? :)
I was really nervous about having Jacob on stage-- he was within grabbing distance of both balloons and a microphone! Fortunately, he was kind of overwhelmed and behaved like an angel through most of the speech. He started to get squirmy by the end, so we zipped offstage so as not to distract from Adam. My other cousin and her son, who is 11 months older than Jacob, had also moved into another room by that time as well.
The event was a great success, and it was a great start to Adam's new campaign!
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