I should back up to Friday morning... This is Jacob watching his babysitter Brittney:
He loooooves her! He blew kisses to her as she was leaving that evening. Both Jacob and I will probably have a nervous breakdown when she graduates!
On Saturday, we kind of bummed around. Frank went to play racquetball in the morning, and I did some housecleaning. Jacob assisted by organizing the spice cabinet.
Then we read some books.
(sorry, for some reason I cannot make this picture rotate.)
On Sunday, we went to church and then took a nice long nap. Well, Jacob did, anyway, Sunday also meant the beginning of Frank's Chicago trip. We could have gone, but I wasn't sure what Jacob and I would have done tomorrow during the day. If the weather would have been warmer, it would have been fine, but pushing a stroller down Michigan Ave in 30 degree weather just doesn't sound like a smart idea to me. Plus, it is nice for Frank to get away. My mom texted this afternoon and said, "Isn't God wonderful to give you a husband to miss?" True.
This is the third night we will have been apart in 3 years of marriage. I remember the last night I spent by myself in my condo on Natalie Drive in Champaign just before our wedding. I couldn't believe I was going to get to share my space with Frank from then until forever. I kinda like him, though, and sharing our space is natural. :) It is strange now to be without him. Really, it is amazing how God can take two really strong, independent people and make them into family.
I was going to say that it was not an exciting weekend, but after writing that last sentence... I guess it was just perfect.
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