A few weekends ago we decided to load up the kids' bikes and head to the park for the afternoon. It was especially nice that Frank, who has worked most weekends since he started his new job, was caught up enough to come with us!
This particular park has amazing paths where the kids can ride their bikes, and they were all about it!
We ended up at the fountain. Guess which kid didn't want to have his picture taken...
The one who was only interested in his "thanck."
It was a gorgeous afternoon to spend some time outdoors.
Another weekend, we spent at our neighbor's parents annual Apple Butter Festival. The kids had just finished a hayride in which the hayrack was being pulled by this tractor. After the ride was over, they wanted to check out the tractor. Frank took these with this phone- wouldn't you love to know what was being said in the first picture?
And of course, there has been plenty of time spent just playing at home. This particular afternoon, Carter decided he wanted to drive... Jacob agreed, but then ran to get his bike helmet in case of a crash!
By the end of October, time outdoors is winding down. Between the time change, and what has historically been a drastic drop in temperatures right around Halloween, we won't get many more "outdoors" days this year, so I'm glad we've been able to enjoy such a nice autumn!