Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tropical Escape

Last weekend we went on our now-annual weekend getaway to Key Lime Cove Resort in Gurnee, IL.  As much as we were anticipating it, I have to interject that I was also dreading it because we were leaving Carter with my parents.

It was definitely the right decision-- logistically it would have been so much more difficult to see and do everything with a baby-- but ugh.  I felt like I was sacrificing one of my men for the good of the group and leaving poor Cartie behind.

For his part, Jacob had a blast. He likes going on trips; he likes swimming pools; he loves junk food, and he loves hotels, so he was in heaven!

We went down to the waterpark as soon as we arrived.

They have several different play areas, but Jacob's favorites were the waterslides and the wave pool.

After a few hours, we went back to the room to get ready for dinner.  They have a tropical-themed restaurant at the resort, so we just ate there.

Jacob and I before dinner.  Excuse the post-swimming hair.

After dinner we explored the resort a bit.  This is their "main street" where the shops are located.

We also went down to the arcade to play some games

and explore a bit more.  There were so many things to see and do!

All the fun wore Jacob and I out, and we were asleep by 9:30.  (Frank says we cut out on him early, and he could have kept going way later, but whatever... :)

We awoke the next morning to a freezing rain advisory, so we decided to head home instead of playing at the pool as originally planned.

Frank and I were comparing the experience to last year and couldn't believe how much easier it was with a 3 year old than with a 2 year old.   He listened and followed directions; he didn't run in the halls, and sat (mostly) quietly through dinner.  It was like having a legitimate person with us instead of a crazy toddler!

Although it would have been nice to have the extra time to play on Sunday, I was also ready to get back to Carter.  We'll definitely have a different experience next year, having both boys with us, and we'll probably be right back in crazy toddler mode with Carter.  We joked (well, we were actually serious) that we will need a babysitter to come with us so we can have some fun, too!  Applicants wanted!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How We Say It In Chinese

Last night, I was talking about some friends who have a baby girl.  "But you don't have a baby sister," I said conversationally with Jaocb, "You have a baby..."

(Waiting for him to fill in the blank.)

"A baby Sass-moo,"  he replied.

"A what?!"

"Sass-moo is how we say brother in Chinese,"  he informs me.

"What?!?!"  I'm laughing at this point.

"Oh, nevermind,"  he says.  "Carter is a baby hamster anyway."

What 'chu talkin' bout?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mish Mash

Last week, we had the downstairs carpets professionally cleaned.  They look so much fluffier, and I feel so much better knowing they are free of dust and cat hair.

Can you believe I just posted a picture of carpet?

Carter is now 5 months old, and we started rice cereal a week or so ago.  So far, he eats it better than Jacob did, but he HATES being in the high chair.  I've fed him in the bouncy seat a few times and that seems to go over better.  

My mom set him on Jacob's car the other day, and he thought he was hot stuff!  

Jacob visited a potential preschool this week.  Look how excited he was:

Yeah, that visit wasn't the most fun I've ever had, either.  (Long story...)

I cannot believe how early fall registration begins, though-- the class I wanted him in is already full, and registration had been open for 4 days!

Frank got to meet up with his college buddies this weekend.  They usually get together in January, and it's always a weekend with sub-zero temps.  Yesterday, it was in the 40s, so they were able to walk around campus after they had dinner.  They met up again this morning for breakfast at Zorba's-- they are such guys!-- I would have totally gone to Panera.

What is the best way to beat the winter blues?  With bright pink nail polish, of course!  This shade of Pink Forever by Sinful Colors was the brightest, happiest I could find, and I'm rocking it.

Also on a happy note, I think this is the first MLK weekend since I've known him that Frank doesn't have to work!  Now if only we could get the kids to sleep past 6am....!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Look Ma, No Pants!

Baby + Valentine's onesie - Pants = Adorableness

Friday, January 11, 2013

Friends and Food

Last week, my friend Emily and her boys came to visit.  We met at McDonalds for lunch and then let the kids play in the playland.  Then, they came back to our house to play some more!

Emily so patiently played a game with them.  (You can tell she is a teacher by how neat the rows of cards are and how nicely she got the boys to follow directions...)

Four boys is a LOT of boys!

It was cute to watch them all play together, and I love thinking that we're cultivating the next generation of friendships.

Speaking of happy things, lets talk food.

Did someone say, "Food?!"

I made some new recipes before the holidays that were kind of yuck, so I was anxious to redeem myself with a few good ones. This website never lets me down!

I made the Mini BLT Quinoa Cups, and they were awesome.  And cute.  How cute are these little guys?

A few days later, I made Homestyle Chicken and Noodles.  This is totally my idea of comfort food!  Frank- not so much- but he ate it.

If you're looking to try some new recipes, I definitely recommend checking out her website!

Happy Friday!

Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's Day Fun

I'm back!  We had a great Christmas, but since it's January, I'm not going to bore you with Christmas pics.  Who wants to look at Christmas stuff in January?  Nobody.  Bring on the New Year...

On New Year's Day, we went bowling, since the bowling alley was one of the few places open.  This was Jacob's first time bowling, and he did pretty well.  He liked his orange ball.

And he especially liked the ball return and hand dryer. (If you know Jacob, this sentence does not surprise you.)

Frank showed him some basics.

 Hey, wait a minute!  Look at the score!!

He may have a future as a bowler!